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Blockout II v.2.4 for x86_64 Linux

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 7:33 pm
by dkirienko

I have sucessfully builded BlockOut II version 2.4 for x86_64 Linux. The patch I\'ve used is attached.

I assume that SDL and mesa include and lib files are located in the system include directory, i.e. /usr/include/SDL. [file name=blockout2_2.txt size=4940] ... out2_2.txt[/file]<br><br>Post edited by: dkirienko, at: 2008/01/12 20:35

Re:Blockout II v.2.4 for x86_64 Linux

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 7:39 pm
by dkirienko
But there is a problem with dates at hi-scores list when using x86_64. Look at the next screenshots.<br><br>Post edited by: dkirienko, at: 2008/01/12 20:40

Re:Blockout II v.2.4 for x86_64 Linux

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 7:42 pm
by dkirienko
Screenshot 1:

Re:Blockout II v.2.4 for x86_64 Linux

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 7:42 pm
by dkirienko
Screenshot 2:


Re:Blockout II v.2.4 for x86_64 Linux

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:57 pm
by jlp_38
Hope human will still play Blockout in 582126458 :woohoo:

Thanks :) I will check that on Monday or Tuesday. I don\'t have a x86_64 Linux at home home.

Re:Blockout II v.2.4 for x86_64 Linux

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:47 am
by jlp_38

I found the problem. It\'s coming from Utils.cpp
I made the follwoing patch. Note that you have also
to add -DLOCALTIME64 in the Blockout Makefile.
Could you test it and let me know it works ?

Thank again ;)

Code: Select all

// Name: FormatDate(int time)
// Desc: Format date as DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:«»SS
char *FormatDate(int time) {

  static char ret[32];
  if( time>0 ) {
#ifdef LOCALTIME64
    time_t d = (time_t)time;
    struct tm *ts = localtime(&d);
    struct tm *ts = localtime((time_t *)&time);
    sprintf(ret,\"%02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d\",ts->tm_mday,ts->tm_mon+1,ts->tm_year+1900,
  } else {

  return ret;


// Name: FormatDate(int time)
// Desc: Format date as DD-MM-YYYY
char *FormatDateShort(int time) {

  static char ret[32];
  if( time>0 ) {
#ifdef LOCALTIME64
    time_t d = (time_t)time;
    struct tm *ts = localtime(&d);
    struct tm *ts = localtime((time_t *)&time);
  } else {

  return ret;


Re:Blockout II v.2.4 for x86_64 Linux

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:19 am
by dkirienko
Yes, I have tested this patch and it looks to be fine. Thank you.

Re:Blockout II v.2.4 for x86_64 Linux

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:48 pm
by Herc
this is currently not possible. the reason is a security measure - it is not possible to guarantee unique scores with open source. though blockoutII is opensource, the code part responsible for highscore uploads and replay stuff is secret / non-public.

so, unless the original author jean-luc supplies a x64 version, there will be no official online highscores.

you are of course free to set up your own highscore server and add program highscore upload yourself.

if you really need a 64bit version ASAP, you should email / contact jean luc pons. he can probably provide a 64bit version soon.